A wild sheep chase

At the beginning, I found it kind of hard to read “A wild Sheep Chase” because so many things were mentioned but never brought back up again and a lot of possible plot lines were glossed over to later just be forgotten. But with that said I found this book to be extremely relatable, even though we don’t really know the main characters name I still found myself very attached to his character. His lack of motivation and true apathetic tendencies really resonated with me. It reminded me of the person I don’t want to be, someone full of potential but with the inability to push themselves. When the main character meets the ear model, upon glancing at her ear once he becomes almost obsessed. The book references the star sheep and how the sheep’s host can accomplish anything they desire even going as to mentioning how Genghis Khan was able to conquer almost all of Asia thanks to the power of the sheep. In a way the ear model served as his sheep, his unending muse or motivation, if only for a little bit. Upon meeting this girl many things change in his life. They embark on this journey in search for the “sheep” and he accomplishes quite a bit. He is able to gain a large amount of money and even track down the sheep, ensuring that the soul of the sheep could die. But even so, his inner character still showed through making the journey a little bit harder for himself and the girl. It is said that all of the people who were possessed by the sheep, if they didn’t realize their potential while the sheep was in them, then the sheep would leave because they would no longer be of use to it. The girl up to that point was his source of motivation and she leaves him on the mountain. Once their journey was over and he goes back home to his old life, which in a way is a bit different thanks to the money he was able to make.  He found himself still feeling unaccomplished and unmotivated. He had lost what fueled him.


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